11 Nisan 2018 Çarşamba

An Open Letter to the PhD Candidates or Graduate Students across the U.S.

After a pleasant conversation with the author and philanthropist Sallie Bingham at Mable Dodge Luhan House in March, one particular topic stood out for me as a blog-entry or e-letter in order to inspire field studies in social sciences about the school shootings in the U.S., which seems quite a unique and unfortunate phenomenon in contrast to the rest of the world. The burning question which surprisingly remained unstudied as far as my online library research showed was: “Where are the fathers?” Ms Bingham wrote: 
“I wonder in the latest school shooting where that young man’s father is—or was. Only the mother is mentioned, implying that she alone was responsible for teaching this tormented soul how to be a man. And she died—mercifully for her—before he committed his crime. (…) In all the school shootings I remember, the murderer is being raised by a single mother. No uncles, no grandfather—and, most crucially, no father. These separations are often caused by spousal abuse, and so the disappearance of the fathers is another terrible consequence of this wildfire problem.”

Bingham argues that fathers are the only ones who can possibly transmit a radically new formula for manhood, not defined by violence or even success, and adds that they must assume the responsibility for revising the myth of masculinity.  I am all for collaboration though. Mothers can contribute by not admiring or complimenting the characters of the outlaw and the criminal in real life or in fiction/movies etc. as she also hints. Maybe they should shake the myth of unconditional maternal love and try keeping a distance from their sons when the sons display macho behavior.

For the record, dear researchers and graduate students, please consider a non-conservative perspective on the issue which won’t glorify the importance of the institution or sanctity of marriage or condemn same-sex marriages. I have found few articles on this specific issue but I will not post a Fox-news clip (“Missing fathers and America’s broken boys”) on my blog. Instead check out the following for sound approaches, impressions, and warnings on several major themes in life and in our society.

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