25 Nisan 2017 Salı

Memories, Oak Trees, the Inevitable: John Freely

What happens to a grand oak tree after it collapses? Does not its soul linger over the trunk? All the animals, people, and the sky which took the Oak tree for granted for a long long time…. How do they feel?  How do people face the loss of someone whose brain is way above the average and can be compared to a precious library and more? But a  library only protects and stores, it can't create. An oak can also store but because it's alive, it's also very creative. For me, he was an oak tree.

In Turkish, when a prominent person passes, people say "koca çınar gitti" meaning "the grand oak tree has gone" (and its several variations are as valid). Why do we use the metaphor of an oak tree, I don't know. It must be the grandness and spaciousness of the Oak... The illusion that it creates because of the way it stands solid and self-confident while so many things around it keep changing and fade away. A void or this weird emptiness begs for more profound words but there is only the void. Oh, and there is hüzün. In fact, right this moment, that's the only word that comes close to capturing how I've been feeling since I read the news.


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